

We cry out for peace, equal rights, and justice.


In hopes that the leaders we chose will choose to choose us as we have chosen them.

That the ones we trust will trust that we trusted them enough to put our lives in their hands.

That they’ll understand we are not the animals of the land but its people.

That we are the not the slaves tied to the chains and whip of the poverty that was used as a weapon by previous masters.


They should remember that we spoke with our votes,
that the change we wanted to see is embedded in the ones we chose with our hopes.


You should see that it was we, under the rain and the sun chanting your name.

That it was us on whose shoulders you stepped to climb the ladder of success you are today.

Believe that we loved you once and still love you today but there are issues to be discussed so let’s discuss it today:


We need our roads to feed ourselves.

We need our lights to brighten our worlds,

Our education to break us from these chains that bind us,

Our security to secure and protect us.


The Power is ours by your words, ‘’Power to the People’’, which empowered our lives and we use it now.

By your words, we should not suffer but rather gain hope that we will rise,

so here we are at your door.

Pleading you do for us as we did for you not so long ago.


We have changed one leader in hopes the next would be better
’’Change for Hope’’, you told us.
‘’Change for Hope’’, we aspire to have.


Let not our hopes be in vain.
In these veins, we bleed the blood of our suffering and nationalism.
Our love for country and patriotism.


We will not result to hurt this land.
Though we are hurt,
nevermore will this land suffer at our hands.


These hands which bear the hard work of the people of this land.
These hands to which guns were given to hurt each other.
These hands in surrender we cried for the peace which is prevalent.
These hands with which to the polls we went and ballots were cast in your lead.


Let these hands not be idle.

Create for us the jobs to participate and not to spectate in our economy,
Mr. President this is our plea.


Do as you said to us you would.
With changed minds, we wait on you.
And hope our dreams of a better Liberia will come true.
‘’Change for hope’’, we have.
In hope, we the people cry.

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