Hearts At Tears

Benmiah Kadima

Been so long in a heart of coldness
And then I saw you in a long list of chat
Almost when I was eaten by loneness
When all my tears have been dried
I taught that was the end of the track
Little did I know that you were the end to my long night cried
Like a hopeless, I have always strolled up and down my list waiting for the message I never received
Then when the wind came blowing heavily from the south, I then wish for a comfort
It was when heard the sound of a whistle through the phone like a quick drop of water
I thought that I was been deceived
“Hi can we chat” was the sweetest in a year that got my loving vessel to glitter
The more we got closer like the mind and the soul the more I begin to fall
But we cannot share what have because we both know it’s impossible
Our hearts holds us for not been at peace responsible
Each day as we meet, we know the feeling of wanting all each other has grown tall
Like the sky, our love has no limit
But our heart has a checkmate
So all we do is dream and wish that someday it will be possible

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