That Girl With The Marvelous Dimples


And din!
Do you heard that?
The words of today,
That ache my heart every seconds of the day.

An imprint on your face and my mind,
Your dimples curved like gentle commas

I pause to trace those lines,
Between kisses of every genre.

Oh! My baby
Here we go again,
Another yarn to spin;
As you,
Once again,
Pretend that it’s the end.

And that,
Besides your curls,
Your dimples,
Your pearls,
Your smile,
Are all beautiful features you posses.

You’re not like other girls
I wish you were my world
I wish you were all, My beloved.

But I don’t get to make the rules,
You are made of the rules,
And the cloud is my witness.

A man is not a man
Because he has a plan,
Just because he can’t,
Count every grain of sand.

For as sure as they are numbered,
that one and one is two.

Betrayal pops is on his mind,
But I wish you were all,
My darling

I can’t seem to pick and choose.
Every little moment we spend together.

You confuse what I supposed to do
With that which you must,
And by the idols of the mind.

Young is wasted on the youth
So to flow with being honest.

For once I’ll tell the truth,
Your dimples is the weapon that destroy my heart.

That I wish you were all my love
And I wish they were all mine, too

I’m in love with you,
And the shadow of your marvelous dimples.


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