I Miss You


I miss you,
Like those moonless nights,
When all is cold and dark
Even those distant stars melt
into the black canopy of the sky.

Oh!, how I wish you were here
to fill the night with your
glowing presence.
Sent a beacon that would bring out
the dancing fireflies,
the cricket creaking in the thicket,
the hooting owl,
the shooting stars,
And that bonfire in my belly.

We would sit here under the telescope of heaven,
And make memories of us.
With all eyes watching:
The owl,
The cricket,
The fireflies,
The mosquitoes,
And the shooting stars, too.

They have all gathered to lap
in our light.
We don’t need no moon,
We are luminous,
As aurora, a magnetic pull of hearts,
drumming lightly at midnight in enfolded arms.

But it is high noon,
The sun is searing,
And I miss you
Like those moonless nights.


  1. This is exactly what a void does:
    You miss the moon even when it’s noon, craving it’s light and curves edges.
    You see flaws in the beauty of its absence, like the scorching heat and blazing rays from the sun.
    This is beautifully adorned with nature and absolutely relative.
    Nice piece, thank you there o

  2. In the absence of the true-one, there is a heart warming sense of togetherness purely complimented by the intoxicated blissful experiences of the distance past.

    I Liked It!

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