A Crafty Woman

Chino Ru

I am an Artist
I adorn words through depiction;
from my imagination,
I paint them with thoughts into verses and attach aethestic to welcome the greatest artist, poetry.

Like an architect,
I design words that appeals to human emotions.
I shape lines into stanzas;
my formation of words are indispensable!
I create through animation;
characters from imagination

I paint with pastel;
Colours of uniqueness ,
yielding the beauty of creation through poetry.

Poetry has elevated my thoughts through imagery;
Visions of images portraying the ink’s message into sequence of portfolios.

The power of my ink is like the wind;
I am immortal when painting my thoughts; I glue them to papers,
design them with pencils and lighten them with the palette stored within me.

Through my arts,
minds are paved.
I was born to inspire;
Like the prophet Jeremiah.
This is a gift not a desire;
For I would never retire.
Poetry made me an artist;
The creator of your favourite masterpiece.


  1. Nice piece
    “Through my arts,
    minds are paved.
    I was born to inspire” my favorite line…
    Keep up the good work

  2. Life is a big canvass and you are an artist,
    Carefully painting words into pictures
    Creating a clear vision
    Like your dermis is an earth,
    And imageries sprouts from the pores in your skin…

    Keep on

  3. All I didn’t complete when I was coming up you are finishing it for me darling. I degree and declare that whatsoever you touch will be bless in Jesus name

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