I Am Of The Earth

Irene S. Williams

I am the earth
She is my mother
She bore me with proud
She reared me with love
She cradled me each evening
She pushed the wind to make it sing
She built me a house of harmonious co lots
She fed me a fruits of her fields
She rewarded me with memories of her smile
She punished me with the passing of time
And at last,When I long to leave
She will embrace me for eternity

I am of the Earth.

A Crafty Woman

Chino Ru

I am an Artist
I adorn words through depiction;
from my imagination,
I paint them with thoughts into verses and attach aethestic to welcome the greatest artist, poetry.

Like an architect,
I design words that appeals to human emotions.
I shape lines into stanzas;
my formation of words are indispensable!
I create through animation;
characters from imagination

I paint with pastel;
Colours of uniqueness ,
yielding the beauty of creation through poetry.

Poetry has elevated my thoughts through imagery;
Visions of images portraying the ink’s message into sequence of portfolios.

The power of my ink is like the wind;
I am immortal when painting my thoughts; I glue them to papers,
design them with pencils and lighten them with the palette stored within me.

Through my arts,
minds are paved.
I was born to inspire;
Like the prophet Jeremiah.
This is a gift not a desire;
For I would never retire.
Poetry made me an artist;
The creator of your favourite masterpiece.

Run The Race Oh Africa

D. Sebastian Niare

Run the race oh Africa reach the finished line,

Don’t look back at yesterday because you are surrounded by witnesses of heartless crowd.

Stand firm and reach the goal of your fathers

Africa a land that flourish with milk and honey,

A land dream to have produced great men and women to become leader of the universal.

Unifornately our speeches cannot reach the roof of our head,

Our tongue will no longer interpret the sound of our voice.

As our gum refuses to bear witness of our tooth

We bit those hands that feed us and eat the food that make us sick

While our children future are decided by our neighbors

Africa!! Africa!! Oh!! Africa!! Land of my mother,line of my origin, place of my birth,

It’s not because we plan to fail, rather we fail to plan.

It is time you put your father dream to reality,

Rise up transfer over your oppressor

Run the race and reach the finished line oh!! Africa!!

I Miss You


I miss you,
Like those moonless nights,
When all is cold and dark
Even those distant stars melt
into the black canopy of the sky.

Oh!, how I wish you were here
to fill the night with your
glowing presence.
Sent a beacon that would bring out
the dancing fireflies,
the cricket creaking in the thicket,
the hooting owl,
the shooting stars,
And that bonfire in my belly.

We would sit here under the telescope of heaven,
And make memories of us.
With all eyes watching:
The owl,
The cricket,
The fireflies,
The mosquitoes,
And the shooting stars, too.

They have all gathered to lap
in our light.
We don’t need no moon,
We are luminous,
As aurora, a magnetic pull of hearts,
drumming lightly at midnight in enfolded arms.

But it is high noon,
The sun is searing,
And I miss you
Like those moonless nights.

That Girl With The Marvelous Dimples


And din!
Do you heard that?
The words of today,
That ache my heart every seconds of the day.

An imprint on your face and my mind,
Your dimples curved like gentle commas

I pause to trace those lines,
Between kisses of every genre.

Oh! My baby
Here we go again,
Another yarn to spin;
As you,
Once again,
Pretend that it’s the end.

And that,
Besides your curls,
Your dimples,
Your pearls,
Your smile,
Are all beautiful features you posses.

You’re not like other girls
I wish you were my world
I wish you were all, My beloved.

But I don’t get to make the rules,
You are made of the rules,
And the cloud is my witness.

A man is not a man
Because he has a plan,
Just because he can’t,
Count every grain of sand.

For as sure as they are numbered,
that one and one is two.

Betrayal pops is on his mind,
But I wish you were all,
My darling

I can’t seem to pick and choose.
Every little moment we spend together.

You confuse what I supposed to do
With that which you must,
And by the idols of the mind.

Young is wasted on the youth
So to flow with being honest.

For once I’ll tell the truth,
Your dimples is the weapon that destroy my heart.

That I wish you were all my love
And I wish they were all mine, too

I’m in love with you,
And the shadow of your marvelous dimples.

Dear Soulmate

Rudolflyn Carson

My emotions towards you is photosynthesized by the colour of your soul.
Your soul glows;
Like the colour gold.
Even behind closed doors,
I feel the flow of your love dangling to every part of my broken soul.

I feel secure ,
Knowing your intentions are designed by the imagery of love.
A feeling that is so strong;
Strong enough to drive away my fears

Every moment we share, brightens my soul:
Like the galaxies I compare thee.
There came simile;
Your love is beautiful as the garden of Eden
You two are like the sunshine of Ghana
Your breed of love shall flourish as a cherry blossom.
This union is like a circle,
It has no end.

I never knew life had a beautiful paradise for us.
But you know what?
We earned it.
We deserve the harmony of holy matrimony cause;
Honesty had kept us and this is a testimony.

I love you to the last second of my breath and beyond the end of this world.

A Day In My Villa

Bill C. Harris

I wake to the noise of the busy streets.
The bells signaling the opening of stores.
The smell of the distaste of our homes.
I watch as school aged children sells at day and school at night.

I stare along as others can’t go for lack of tuition.
As babies walk for hours to school without nutrition.
I watch as a our sisters are devalued to make ends meat.
And our fathers come home without food to eat.

I cry as teen become adults
As I see babies being born to babies.
I gaze around searching to sense of hope.
Wondering if this is the life God chose.

For all I’ve live is just the same.
And while we suffer we are told he can’t be blame.
And if he’s out there listening all I want to ask is this what you do?
If no, I pray thee, all we need in my villa is to provide food.

How Can I Raise One

Leelah J. Clarke

We are victims of parental dumbness
Throughout my conception, my prostitute mother lived reckless
Smoking, alcohol consumption, substance abuse;
Her lifestyle attributes

There is no nutrients of breastfeeding in my system
The scent I smelled when I was a baby
Relates not to a mother and child connection

Growing up I learned my lessons alone
I don’t pronounce, spell or read well
All because I had nobody to tutor me at home
I don’t follow rules, I was never told to do
I don’t have guidelines, For on my own I grew

Somehow I grew
Today, the world count on me to nourish my kids
My kids count on me to teach them
How can I raise one?

My Facebook Friend

Stephen F.Cooper II

A face in a square
With a smile on my screen
By punching in a word or two
She became my friend
She told me she lived in Spain
I live in Germany, I replied.
We chatted twenty-four hours
Round the clock; all my little dollars went.
Madly in love I fell
With the face and place
All day I imagined my Facebook friend
And I roaming in chains of trains
The magnificent streets of Barcelona
Buying tickets for two
To have fun at the Camp Nou
For she had already told me
She was a personal friend of Messi.
Alas! After a year or so
While cooling off in the shade
Of a gigantic plum tree on a very hot day
Then in plantain chip slippers
Came my Facebook friend, sweating
And chewing roasted cassava in one hand
With a bag of Aqualife in the other.
Her feet were as dusty as a refugee
Who had walked for miles
And from the look of things
She seemed hungrier than I
For she bit the cassava with all her might
So I buried my face in my palms
And lamented inwardly:
Germany and Spain have migrated
From Europe to Liberia in Africa.
Thence the chat continued
But this time her little dollars went.

Hearts At Tears

Benmiah Kadima

Been so long in a heart of coldness
And then I saw you in a long list of chat
Almost when I was eaten by loneness
When all my tears have been dried
I taught that was the end of the track
Little did I know that you were the end to my long night cried
Like a hopeless, I have always strolled up and down my list waiting for the message I never received
Then when the wind came blowing heavily from the south, I then wish for a comfort
It was when heard the sound of a whistle through the phone like a quick drop of water
I thought that I was been deceived
“Hi can we chat” was the sweetest in a year that got my loving vessel to glitter
The more we got closer like the mind and the soul the more I begin to fall
But we cannot share what have because we both know it’s impossible
Our hearts holds us for not been at peace responsible
Each day as we meet, we know the feeling of wanting all each other has grown tall
Like the sky, our love has no limit
But our heart has a checkmate
So all we do is dream and wish that someday it will be possible